This is not necessary for Unity terrains. To use the paint tools on custom meshs in the Unity editor, they must have attached the mesh collider component because the plugin uses Raycast to know where the tile should be painted.3D Tilemap System should work on all platforms with Texture3D support.

When and why should I not use the Tilemap System? You should not use the 3D Tilemap System to texture small objects as props because the best option is still to use tools like Sprytile and or Crocotile3D. With this system you can texture large maps and still achieve a mesh with a low number of polygons. When and why should I use the 3D Tilemap System? You should use the 3D Tilemap System to texture medium to large size maps because this system does not require the terrain mesh to have a polygon for each tile as is commonly used in the traditional method.

Post here on the forum screenshots showing your work using the tool.If you are looking for a sky system, consider purchasing Azure Dynamic Skybox.This tool took a lot of work and research time to develop, if you consider supporting the developer, you can do this in a number of ways, but don't feel forced to. 3D Tilemap System is a tool for painting tiles on Unity terrains or even on custom meshs using tilesets in the same way as it is popularly made and seen in 2D game engines.