Steam link mac
Steam link mac

I tried it both ways last night and Sims definitely starts more smoothly with it installed via Steam, and even opens up way faster. Sometimes steam link falters when you point at An Origin game with steam. Yeah, the main reason for steam at all in this case is to allow for steam link to work. Just so you know, Origin will still run in the background when playing through Steam.

steam link mac

To get around it, you'd need to renew your EA Play subscription or buy a standalone copy of Sims 4 through Steam. This happens all the time to people who buy and refund Steam copies of Sims 4, or who take advantage of a free trial from Steam. Then if you remove the Steam version, Origin will act as if you don't own the game and will block you from playing. The problem is, once you add the Steam version of Sims 4 to your Origin account, it overrides the Origin version.

steam link mac

I think this should also work if you download Sims 4 from EA Play, but I've never tried it or heard from someone who has, so I don't know for sure.

steam link mac

Once the Steam version is installed, you could download the packs from Origin, and they should work with the Steam install. In your case, you'd need to buy a copy of Sims 4 in Steam, uninstall the game in Origin, then start to download the base game in Steam, which should prompt you to link the accounts.

  • The only way to link Origin and Steam accounts is to buy an EA game in Steam, and specifically one that requires that the accounts be linked.

  • Steam link mac